Filtering and Retrieving Meme Coins on Solana: A Step-by-Step Guide
As a developer working with cryptocurrency markets, you are probably familiar with the concept of meme coins. These speculative assets are driven by community sentiment rather than fundamental analysis, making them highly volatile and sensitive to market conditions. With the rise of decentralized data platforms like the Jupiter API and Sentient Market, it has become easier to access and analyze large datasets on Solana. However, for those who want to filter and retrieve specific meme coins based on various conditions, this article provides a comprehensive guide.
Before diving into the code, make sure you have:
- A Solana node installed and running (e.g. Solana CLI, SOL.js).
- Familiarity with the Solana programming language (JavaScript or Rust).
- Knowledge of GraphQL (optional).
Step 1: Install dependencies
To interact with the Sentient Market API, we will need to install the package `@sentient-market/sentient
. Run the following command in your terminal:
npm install @sentient-market/sentient
Or, if you are using Yarn:
yarn add @sentient-market/sentient
Step 2: Configure the Sentient Market API
Create a new file calledsentient.jsonin the root of your project. and add the following content:
"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
"apiEndpoint": "
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE"
YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEREwith your actual Sentient Market API credentials.
Step 3: Implement the GraphQL query
In your Solana project, create a new file calledmeme-coins.graphqland add the following content:
insert MemeCoin {
id: ID!
name: String!
symbol: string!
marketCap: float!
type Query {
memeCoins: [MemeCoin!]!
This query defines a memeCoinstype with an array of
MemeCoinobjects and a single field for the first argument, which is an empty list. We will use this to retrieve data from the Sentient Market API.
Step 4: Fetch the data using GraphQL
Create a new file calledfetchMemeCoins.jsand add the following code:
const { gql } = require('graphql-tag');
const { SolanaProgram } = require('@solana/web3.js');
async function fetchMemeCoins() {
const program = new SolanaProgram(
// Replace with Solana project ID
// Set Sentient Market API URL and credentials here
accounts: [
{ accountId: ‘meme-coins-query’ },
accountId: ‘sentiment’,
pubkeys: [‘accountPubkey’],
operations: {
fetchMemeCoins: {
arguments: [{}],
returns: {
memeCoins: MemeCoin,
try {
const response = await program.fetch(
query { memeCoins }
{ variables: {} }
} catch (error) {
// Run the query to retrieve data
fetchMemeCoins().then((data) => {
const memeCoins = data.memeCoins;
// Filter and retrieve specific meme coins based on conditions
function filterMemeCoins(memeCoinList, condition) {
return memeCoinList.filter((coin) => {
if (condition type === “string”) {