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Interaction with Solana Treaties by Noda.js Customer: Sawen handed over as bytes and mouths
As a developer who works on intelligent contracts for Solana Blockchain, you are probably familiar with the challenges that communicate with external programs or services. It is a joint request to submit data between your contract and an external customer, such as the Noda.js. In this article, we will examine how you can hand over the wires as by the long -term contract for the Noda.JS customer and token coin from the same client.
Before diving in the code, make sure you are:
- Installation of salt junction set on your computer.
- And as long as the main network is used on the main network with the necessary permissions to read from memory.
- The NODE.JS app installed on your local machine (we use as an example Express.js).
Set up client node.js
Create a new project Express.js first and install the necessary addiction:
Npm init -y
NPM Install Express Solana Typescript-SDK @Typen/Solana Transaction-SDK @Typen/Solana-Txpool @Type/Solana Token-Mits
Create a new file called Index.js' and add the following client installation code:
Const {Creatient} = requirements (‘Solan website client’);
Const Solanatipes = Request (‘@Type/Solana Script-SDK type’);
Const tokenmints = required (‘@Type/Solana Token-Mit’);
// Set your salt network and account registration information here
Const Solana_network = ‘DEVNET’;
Const Account_id = ‘Your Account ID’ account ‘;
Const Private_Key = ‘Your Private Key’;
// Create a new Customer Solan Instance
Asinchrical function of CreateClient () {{{
Const Solana = Requirements (‘Solan Website’);
Solna.Connect return (
Network: Solana_network,
Accounts: [
{ID: Account_id, PubKey: Account_id},
// Add your salt account here
] ,,,
Keyboard: {{
Key: Private_key,
Road: ‘Road/to/Your/button’,
module.exports = CreateClient;
This code inserts a new Solan client instance using the “Connect” method. You need to replace Solana_network ',
Private_Keywith your real salt network, account -id and private key.
Saiten handed over as bytes
After you have an active client instance, let's hand down the contract as bypass. Create a new file calledTreaty.js’ and add the following code:
Const {Connection} = Request (‘@Solana/Web3 adapter’);
// Set up your as long as long
Const Connection = New SolanabeBSOCKCLient ({{{{{
Network: Solana_network,
Accounts: [
{ID: Account_id, PubKey: Account_id},
] ,,,
Async function Mintoken () {{
Const Transaction = Act Connection.Creartransation ({{{{{{{{{{{{{{
Author: Account_id,
Maxoutputsize: 1000, // Adjust the output variable as needed
Wait a connection.Sendtransation (transaction);
Const transactionPool = watte connect.getpooltransactions ();
Const Baoltxide = transaction pool [0] .txide;
Bazetxide return;
module.exports = Mintox;
This code creates a new transaction and sends it as a long network with a client instance. The pool transactions for these transactions -id transactions are then called and the transaction pool is returned.
Token to pack
To make tokens from this transaction in the pool, you need to create a function that downloads the address as an entry, call the pool -id pool transaction, create a new transaction and send to the AS long network. Create a new file called “Tokenmint.js” and add the following code:
Asinchrical function of tokenize (minteraddress) {
Const transaction = waiting for a relationship.