Here are the mainstay based on your treats:
How to disintegrate the Next.js, you, verifiable, familiar with the eatery with the deentalized adjusts (DAPPS) with the API web3. One of the most full -fleshs with dapps – the mate of Metamask, which provides a heavy integrated intergulation of your brown and blockchain networks.
In this state, we will dissatate the problem, which can take the use of Metamask with the apart Solidity in the medical production next.js. We also have a step in the shig of the nepot and Ponimania of the same, why such a problem can take the way.
Metamask-is the popular miles for DAPPS on the basis of Ethereum, which allows the policies to hide, get out, touch and manage their activists. He introduces the interface for the midst of the blockchain network with the API web3, the tongue of the programing.
To invite the balance of the token of the policy in the function of the solitude, you, you use the method eth_call
from the library eates.js or the method Metamasketh_sendtransaction '. The method of the method allows you to send transaction in the ethereum hill and to rely on the status of transaction.
Problem in the workdoching
To the harness, when we launch our adhesion next.js in the production, requested on solidity, peculiar metamask, do not go right. This can be shown as a non -logical one, as we optimized the code for unbearable work in the medium Dev.
Here's the primer that goes by when we call the function that invites the balance token:
Import {Ethers} from "Ethers";
Const Contractaddress = "0x ..."; // replace on the address of the counteract
Const Uderaddress = "0x ..."; // Out on the address of the policeman
Async Function GetBalance () {
ask {
Const Result = Await ContractDdress.methods.balanceof (Useraddress) .call ();
Console.log (Result);
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (Oshbak);
In medium Dev this code is completed without a problem and the balancing balance is healed. However, when we launch our enlistment in the production of the regimen, use next.js, the function GetBalance 'can not get the balance.
To solve the problem, let's analyze the fact that you can go wrong:
- Code Specific for Medicine, : Key Designion Medicine Dev and Prod is concluded in expanded mediums and configurations that are metamask.
- Imperial transaction : In the work collection, the functionGetBalance is mowed on the second climbing ethereum, which, which is used in medium Dev. This can be taken by the non -positive transaction of transaction or the data of data from the calculation in the topology of the network.
To solve this problem, we need to change our code that it is more important to enlist the work in the work in the work. Here’s a potential resolution:
Import {Ethers} from "Ethers";
Const Contractaddress = "0x ..."; // replace on the address of the counteract
Const Uderaddress = "0x ..."; // Out on the address of the policeman
Async Function GetBalance () {
ask {
Const Result = Await ContractDdress.methods.balanceof (Useraddress) .call ();
Console.log (Result);
} Catch (error) {
IF (ExantemPly Ethers.WalleterRor || Error.code == 'E431') {
Console.error ("Metamask's Koshelek is not initiated");
} still {
Brating the scoop;
In this modified code, we have added the Try-Catch block that runs to the following provisions:
- E431`: It goes through, when the transaction does not sign, the ethereum points are used.