Ethereum: Why the amount of listunspent and getbalance is not the same when each data is called by API?

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Ethereum: To understand the difference between “Listunspent” and “Getbolaance”

As an Ethereum blockchain developer, it is essential to understand the consequences of calling for API endpoints such as “Listunspent” and “GetBalance”. In this article, we dive into why the amount returned by the two functions may differ.

Understand the endpoint “Listunspent”

The “Listunspent” endpoint is a rest interface that allows developers to obtain information on transactions outside their Ethereum accounts. When you call “Listunspent” you will receive a series of objects that are all represented by a transaction that has not yet been spent. The object contains the following attributes:

  • Index: unique identifier for transaction (0 -based index)

  • value: quantity of ether allocated to transaction (in Wei)

  • Scriptsig: A script signature related to the transaction

  • scripthash: the script hash used in this transaction

  • Vout: Number of transaction outputs

For example, Json is a useful burden that Listunspent" returns to a particular index, looks like




“Index”: 0,

“Value”: 2341.6788,

“Scriptsig”: “00000 …”,

“Scripthash”: “00000 …”,

“Vout”: [1234, 5678]


// …



Understanding the endpoint “GetBalance”

The “GetBalance” endpoint is a readable function that allows you to query the Ethereum account balance. When you call “GetBalance”, you get an object that contains information in your account from the current balance.

For example, the useful cargo of Json returned by “GetBalance” for a particular title looks like:



“Balance”: {

“Value”: 0.0002,



// …



The difference

Now that we have covered what the individual endpoints return, let’s examine why the balance is different between “Listunspent” and “getbalance”.

When you call “Listunspent”, you will receive a series of transactions where each transaction has an index. The “index” is used to identify the transaction, which in turn corresponds to your Ethereum account.

On the other hand, when you call it “getbalance”, you do not necessarily ask themselves the unsatisfactory transactions; Instead, he asks his own balance at that address.

Here’s an example of how this can play:


Const Ethhers = Requires ('Ethers');

// Get your current Ethereum account balance using GetBalance

Const Balance = Waiting for Ethers.getbalance (title form);

// Use Listunspent to query the same invoice to query non -paying transactions

Const UnspentTransctions = Waiting for Ethers.utils.ListunspentTransection ();

In this example, “GetBalance” returns an JSON object that contains the current balance at the address specified. The “Listunspent” feature, while returning a series of transactions, does not directly ensure your balance.


Let’s look at the following scenario to illustrate the difference between “Listunspent” and “Getbolaance”:

  • Try to get a balance for a particular Ethereum account.

  • Calls “ecthers.getbalance (addressing koutaccount).

  • The returned JSON object contains your current balance at this address.

Suppose you want to query unpaid transactions to the same account. To do this, you must call the “Ethers.utils.ListunspentTransectionFees (), which returns a series of objects that represents non -shipping transactions.

In summary, while both endpoints provide valuable information about their Ethereum account or specific addresses, they serve different purposes and the data are returned in separate format. Understanding these differences is essential for the effective use of Ethereum API.

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