Ethereum: How to install minergate-cli in centos 6.6

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Installing MINERGATE CLI to Centos 6.6

MINERGATE is an effective tool that allows you to run thousands of GPU-based mining tower from the comfort of the browser and offers an attractive opportunity for individuals and businesses that diversify mining operations. In this article, we move on the steps to install Minerggate Cli to Centos 6.6.


Before installing the Minerggate Cli, check that the Centos 6.6 system meets the minimum requirements:

  • Operating system: Centos 6.6 (or later)

  • CPU: 64 -bit processor

  • Memory: at least 4 GB of RAM

  • Graphics Card: Supported GPU (more about this below)

Software required

To install MINERGATE CLI, you need to install the following software:

  • Git (to download and update the Minerggate Cli)

  • Apache (to serve MINERGATE CLI)

  • OPENSSL (for safe communication with mining pelvis)

Install MINERGATE CLI on Centos 6.6

Step 1: Update and install GIT

Update the package index and install GIT using the following command:


sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install -y git


Step 2: Install Apache

Install Apache to serve as the anterior part for MINERGATE CLI. The default configuration is used by default, but can be selected later.


sudo yum install -y httpd


Step 3: Create a virtual host and configure Apache

Create a new virtual host file in the httpd/conf.d/ directory (or create an empty file if not).


sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/minergade.conf


Add the following configuration to the “Minerggate.conf” file:


ServerAdmin webmaster@Localhost



Options -indexes

Requires all permits



Restart “HTTPD” to apply the configuration.


Sudo Systemctl restarts httpd


Step 4: Create a new user and group

Create a new user and group as a non -proverted user as a non -proverted user. The default user is “Minigarrate”.


SUDO USERADD -M minigarate


The default group is “www-data”. Change ownership of the “HTTPD” library to the newly created “Minergate” user.


Sudo Chown -R Ministry: www -data/var/www/html


Step 5: Create a new MINERGATE CLI directory

Create a new directory to install MINERGATE CLI. The default location is /usr/local/bin/minergate-cli".




Step 6: Copy the source code for MINERGATE CLI

Copy the source code for MINERGATE CLI from the official repository.




Step 7: Update the minigarrate.conf file

Update the “MINERGATE.CONF” file to include the new “alias” directive to serve the Minerggate Cli.


sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/minergade.conf


Add the following line:




Restart “HTTPD” to apply the configuration.

Step 8: Test the installation

Test the installation by opening a browser and navigating to “http: // localhost/minigarrate”. If all is set correctly, you must log in with the default credentials (Username = Minigarrate",Password = 123456`). This can pass through the login process.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any problems during installation or after restarting the system, read [official Minerggate CLI documentation] ( tips and solutions.


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