Ethereum: File format — rev*.dat

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Unlocking of file secrets .rev*is Ethereum

Ethereum, a decentralized platform to place smart contracts and decentralized applications (DAPPS), uses a variety of off-off formats to store and transmit data. Such a format is .rev, which represents the “revocation” and is the Euzet to store revocation information for non-FAFORS ERC-721 (NFT). In this article, we will deepen, we were in the .rev file and we will explore what it is.

Structure on .rev file


A. Rev* file consists of a painting with [F9BEB4D9 + 32BYTE number + gross variable data] for Ech element. Here’s a breakdown as it might look like:


[F9BEB4D9, 32BYTE_NUNBER, var_raw_data]


The first part,f9beb4d9, is the magic that is the type of file. It is not directly unused in the data is served as a unique identifier.

The second field,32BYTE_NUMBER, the representation of an optional mimastamp for revocation was represented. This can be useful for the purposes of admission to revocations.

Brutable Data Nurable *

The third field,var_raw_datacontains variable gross data that may include metadata such as:

  • Hasha: a unique NFT identifier

  • Methata ‘: Informative information about NFT (eg Creator, Description)

  • Transaction_hasha: a transct hass who created or updated NFT

These variable gross data are not strictly necessary and can be found. However, it is essential to note that omitting this field can record inconsistent revocation records.

Additional Information

It is worth mentioning that the .rev*file stored on the chain, meant to be part of the Ethereum blockchain. There is a container a specific set of rollers and mask and which teach these records.


In integration, the .rev* files are the protocol of the provisional supplier. While the simple ones, the most common are the most important. If you develop an application that is ERC-721 NFTS or requires access to this data.

Example of code

Here is a replacement for the example of a .rev*file could look in rust:


use eth_types :: {hash, u256};

Revocation Structure {

Tame Tame: U64,

Hash: Hash,

Metadata: [U8; 1024], // Variable interval data (optional)


Implement revocation {

Fn New (Timetamp: U64, Hash: Hash) -> Self {

Revocation {miome stamp, hash}



` Re

Note that this is very simplified the experience and effective implementation of the preparation.

I hope this article helped you understand more. If you have any other questions or need clarification on any aspects of this, do not hesitate to ask!

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