Ethereum: Binance API sell only the profit & all the position

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Ethereum API: Implementing Buy and Sell Orders with Profit Only

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably familiar with the concept of buy and sell orders on the Binance API. However, implementing buy and sell orders with profit only can be a bit more complex. In this article, we will explore the logic behind implementing such functionality and provide a step-by-step guide to help you achieve it.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s quickly review some important concepts:

  • Order Types: Binance offers a variety of order types, including market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, and more.
  • Price Data: You will need to access price data for each asset you want to trade. Binance provides APIs with real-time and delayed price data.
  • API Authentication: Make sure you have the appropriate API credentials set up to access the Binance API.

Executing a Buy Order with Profit

To implement a Buy Order with Profit Only, follow these steps:

  • Get Order Details: Use the GET /orders endpoint to retrieve the details of a specific order.
  • Check Profit: Check the profit field in the response. If it is non-zero, you are ready to proceed.
  • Create a Sell API Request: To execute a buy operation, use the POST /orders/{orderId}/executions endpoint with the following parameters:
  • amount: The amount of token you want to buy (e.g. Ether).
  • side: Set to buy.
  • type: Set to market.
  • timestamp: Use the timestamp from your API request.
  • Place a Sell Order: To create a sell operation, use the following parameters:
  • amount: The amount of token you want to sell (e.g. Ether).
  • side: Set to sell.
  • type: Set to market.

Implementation example

Here is an example implementation in Python using the Binance API and the requests library:

import requirements

Set API credentials

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Set order id (replace with actual order id)

Order_ID = 123456789

Fetching order details

response = requests.get(f"

order_details = response.json()

if order_details['profit'] > 0:

Create an API request for the sale

response_sell =



"type": "market",

"side": "sell",

"timestamp": int(time.time()),

"amount": order_details['total']


headers={"api_key": api_key, "api_secret": api_secret}


Write the response to the API request



print("No profit to sell!")

Example implementation with deferred price data

If you need to implement buy orders with profit using deferred price data, follow these steps:

  • Get order details: Use the GET /orders endpoint with a timestamp set to the current time.
  • Check profit: Check the profit field in the response. If it is non-zero, you are good to go.
  • Create a sell API request: To execute the buy operation, use the same parameters as before (amount',side’ and type') with the timestamp set to the current time.

Deferred Pricing Data Implementation Example

Here is an example implementation in Python using the Binance API and therequestslibrary:


import requirements

Set API credentials

api_key = “YOUR_API_KEY”

api_secret = “YOUR_API_SECRET”

Set order id (replace with actual order id)

Order_ID = 123456789

Fetching order details

response_get_details = requests.get(f”


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