Metamask: How can I open an URL in Metamask explorer from a mobile navigator website?

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Here’s how you can open the url at metamsk explorer from the mobile navigator website, and also open the url web3 at metamask explorer with a connection ::

How to Open the URL in Metamsk Explorer from the Mobile Morigator Website

  • Access to Metamask Explorer

– First, you need to approach the Metamascus Explorer.

– You can do this on most web browsers by searching for the “metamascus” or “metamascus” app. The Most Common Option is to use an Android device as a mobile browser.

  • Opening of the URL in Metamascus

– Once, a list of accounts is presented to you at the explorer metamask.

– Click on the account that matches the site where you want to open a new url.

  • Adding accounts to metamascus

– Return to the main menu and click the “accounts” tab. You will see an empty section to add a new account or account from another wallet. Click the add Button and then select “Add from the web”. Choose a website where you want to open the url.

  • Opening or a website in Metamascus

– A new browser window will open that allows you to move to the website cited by the url you enterted.

how to open the url web3 in metamascus explorer with

  • Access to Metamask Explorer with Web3 URL -Light

– First go to [] ( (or any other website where you want to open the url).

  • Click on three horizontal points in the upper right corner of the website.

– From here you can chose a “copying” or “divide”.

  • Opening or Metamask Explorer

– After copying the relationship and select it in your web browser, open the metamask.

– Go to the “accounts” tab.

– Click on the account that matches the site where you want to open a new url.

  • Add the account and then open it

* Choose Add account

* Choose “Add with Web”

* Enter the web3 URL in the “Enter Url” field

* Click on “Open”


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